Sunday, April 3, 2011

And lo! There Was A New Post

First, an enormous thank-you to the estimable Gia for her help getting this blog layout a little closer to how I want it. I love electric blue as  much as the next person, but it was a bit hard on the eyes.

So, blogworld. It has been a while. A great many things have transpired since the last time I word-vomited in this space, some of them great, some of them not-so-great. But since I spend enough time ranting and whining to people in real life about the not-so-great things, here we shall mention only the good!

Perhaps most important at the moment: I have a new job! Or rather, I have the same job, but with a different company. The up side of this is that my workplace is on the same block as my school. On the down side, both school and work are a million miles from my home, which requires a million-hour commute. BUT, I am employed. Celebrate.

Second, but no less important (to me, anyway) is that after what felt like an endless hiatus, I seem to be writing again! And not just writing, but writing and NOT HATING EVERY WORD. The biggest deterrent for me while I was working on both Five and Holly was every time I finished a paragraph, I wrinkled my nose and muttered "this is absolute shit. I wrote better stuff when I was TWELVE." This time, though, I am cruising (mostly) along, perhaps not writing the next Great American Novel, but writing a story I am enjoying with characters who are fun to write.

I am trying not to talk about it too much, for fear of it falling victim to my vicious inner editor (who, I can only assume, is too preoccupied with violently editing my schoolwork to notice I am working on a story) so I will just say that I have made pretty good progress *knock on wood, knock on everything* and should continue to do so!

And so, until next time. Hopefully it'll be a quicker update than this one was!


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