Word Count: 29567 and still transcribing
This will be a shorty, as its almost midnight, I just got home from work, and I still have a bajillion things to do before bed.
First, I wrote more than 3k today, which will hopefully put me over 30k by the time I'm finished transcribing (YAY NOTEBOOK!)
Second, a question: does anyone know what types of birds one usually finds in a harbor city like Amsterdam? There are a few which are obvious to me: seagulls, various waterfowl like ducks and geese and swans, probably crows and/or pigeons in the squares.....any others? Any birds of prey? Please share your thoughts, for I am quite stumped, and the Internet seems to be, as well.
As always, good luck with the writing, and keep at it!
Kiki, maybe this link can help? I like the sound of that "nightjar"!
P.S. Hooray for 30k!!