Friday, November 4, 2011

Nov. 4: Making Up Ground and 15k By Sunday

Word Count: 6912 words and counting, goal is to clear 7200

Good news, everyone: I don't work tomorrow AND we turn our clocks back one hour. This means several uninterrupted hours of writing!

Because of yesterday's poor output, today I really wanted to push to get ahead of the day's required 1667. I've left it behind, mercifully, and am gunning for 7200 tonight to give me an edge on tomorrow. However, for the weekend I've set a slightly (very slightly) more ambitious goal for myself: 15000 by Sunday evening.

Generally by day 6 if you have 10k you're right on target to finish on time. However, I know from experience that "on target" quickly becomes "grossly behind" in Week Two. At least for me, it always does. I think this is because Week Two almost always and without fail was the week prior to some big project or exam for school....aaaand this time is no different. My final project for one of my journalism classes is due two Mondays from now, which means I'll be spending all of next week trying to get it finished and in working order.

Hence, the desire to be 5k ahead of schedule. So that when Week 2 inevitably kicks my rear, I at least have some words between myself and utter failure.

Today was another poster day for the notebook, however! I brought it to work, wrote during my 15 minute break, my lunch hour and the train ride home. Now I'm adding to what's been transcribed, in between writing the article for that final project and another paper (3 down, 3 to go!) for a different class.

So what are everyone's goals for the weekend? 15k by Sunday? More? Less? Good luck, whatever they are, and happy writing!


1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying this blog! And congrats on the writing goals met and exceeded! :D Yay!!
