Word Count: 22220
Forgive me blog world, for I have sinned. I forgot to blog yesterday.
Well, I didn't exactly FORGET. I worked nine hours yesterday, and then came home and just wanted to relax with my husband before we had to get up VERY EARLY (by Saturday standards) so he could get to the airport to catch his flight (which ended up being delayed BY AN HOUR, said the peevish wife who did not get enough sleep) to Spain. So the blog, I'm afraid, dropped on the priority list under 1.spend time with husband and 2. catch up on sleep.
This is around the point where I start feeling burned out by Nanowrimo. I think its a bit more pronounced this year because I'm juggling school and work at the same time (one of my class's final project is due Monday. The other--a paper--is due next Tuesday) but generally, without fail, the halfway point is where I start to seriously consider killing off major characters--even ones I like--just so the bloody story will end sooner because O.M.G. I can't take it anymore.
This is generally the time where I walk away from the story for a day or so.
Yesterday and today were pretty much those days. I wrote a little--a couple hundred words here, a couple there--but for the most part I avoided my WIP (and the computer in general) like the plague. I'm weary of it--my protagonist is irritating me to the point where I have half a mind to switch the focus to her nine year old sister who--while quite annoying--actually has the potential for some interesting character development. But I kind of need my current protagonist for the story to progress at all, so I can't give her the ax just yet. I'm weary of my setting--most of my dialogue is happening in a different language, and while I'm writing it in English, I'm trying to translate it in my head, and that's giving me a headache. My location--Victorian-era Amsterdam--is driving me a bit batty because while I think I know Amsterdam pretty well, having lived there for some time, the Amsterdam I know was heavily renovated and built upon AFTER the Victorian era, and as such most of my geographical understanding of it is not accurate for the period I'm currently writing.
So I took a break from it for a day or two, and I am hoping that tomorrow, either before or after work, I will have more of a desire to dive back into things. I'm gladder than ever that I got a bit of a cushion built in Week 1, and that I kept up some momentum through the start of Week 2, because I need that padding now.
Have you ever felt like you needed a break from your story? How did you contend with that weariness?
As always, good luck to everyone, and keep writing!
Wow, you called it two weeks ago! But look how well prepared you are - you are not yet halfway through the month, and you are nearly at halfway in word count. Go, Katherine!
ReplyDeleteI am trying to arrange some of that much-talked about but rarely seen family support for the Nanowriter! I mean, real support, as in FOOD! LOL