Monday, November 14, 2011

Nov. 14: Gaining Ground (Or: School's Almost Over, Halleluia!)

Word count: 26489. More than Halfway!

First of all, great news: I finished my final project for one of my graduate classes today! It's all posted on my news blog if you want to go check it out.

This was the biggie project that kind of consumed a lot of my time and writing energy this month. Now that its officially finished, I hope to be able to focus more time on Nano. There is still one more finals-ish thing to do (an 8 page paper for my other class) but papers do not stress me out nearly as much as this project did. I'm quite proud of it, and even happier to be FINISHED. HAAAA.

Today, since I didn't have work, I spent a LOT of time in front of the computer writing. My lovely mother kindly supplied me with Indian food for lunch and dinner, so I didn't even have to break to make food! It is very nice to have a support network when you're taking on Nanowrimo.

Which reminds me: Thanksgiving is coming up. For me, Thanksgiving is usually a weekend where I struggle to write because, well, its Thanksgiving. I am either baking, traveling to visit my family FOR Thanksgiving, helping set up the first few Christmas decorations or, you know, EATING! In past years, I have managed to make quota either by blocking off a few hours each day to hide in my bedroom and write in a notebook, or by carrying one with me everywhere and scribbling a few sentences here and there when I have time.

Do you find that Thanksgiving can be a hard weekend to get in your daily word quota? What strategies do you use to try to meet them?

As always, good luck to everyone and happy writing!


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