Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nov. 27: The Home Stretch

Word Count: 46432 and counting

I have been remiss with my blog this weekend. But I am happy to report that I have not been remiss with my Nanowrimo WIP.

After a delightfully turkey-and-family filled Thanksgiving, my husband, sister and I spent much of Friday putting up the outdoor Christmas lights in my parents' yard. This has become a bit of a tradition for my sister and I, and it means my parents don't have to do it down the road when it's later (and infinitely colder) in the season.

We also celebrated my sister's birthday early because she had to return to university on her actual birthday, and I had to work on said day as well. It made for a very nice day.

Since I was spending time with the fam during the day, most of the writing happened at night, on this old laptop. It is the slowest machine on the planet, but at least it works. I made very good progress on Thursday, believe it or not, and managed to stay at least a day ahead of schedule each time. Tonight I am hoping to clear tomorrow's required minimum of 46666.

I can't believe Nanowrimo is almost over for another year! I have actually started writing the concluding scenes, though I have still MANY chapters between where I currently stand and the conclusion. I realized pretty early on that this story was going to be longer than 50k, but I at least want to have "The End" written by the end!

I will do my best to blog faithfully from now til the end of the month, and not fall down on the blogging job like I did last year. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving weekend, and I hope you keep writing!


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